fai with SATA hard disk

Francois JEANMOUGIN Francois.JEANMOUGIN at 123multimedia.com
Thu Jan 13 09:59:36 CET 2005

> The 2.4 and 2.6 kernels in fai-kernels 1.8.2 contain the SATA
> drivers. But if discover (in 06hwdetect.source) can't detect the driver
> properly you can add the kernel module explict to the variable
> $kernelmodules which is also defined in 06hwdetect.source

It definitely works weel on a HP bl30p, it has a SATA 60GB disk, mapped on

hda: FUJITSU MHT2060AS, ATA DISK drive
hda: max request size: 128KiB
hda: 117210240 sectors (60011 MB) w/8192KiB Cache, CHS=65535/16/63, UDMA(100)


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