Help on fai-bootcd

Tue Jan 4 10:08:04 CET 2005

Hi all,

I don't know if this is the proper list to get help on fai-bootcd, anyway, I
give it a try.

To be sure that I am on topic, I have to say that I was able to use FAI to
deploy HP blade servers (20p and 30p series). I have a problem with the 10e
ones, I need to find boot options so that the console mode would work.

For fai-boot-cd, I installed fai-bootcd, I modified mkinitrd-cd so that it
can handle 2.6 modules. The CD boots well but then, I have a kernel panic:
unable to mount root filesystem on unknown(0,1).

I think it is an obvious option somewhere, because the same fai.conf install
the ssame type of hardware quite well. Any help appreciated.


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