partitioning problem

Matthias Lechner matthias.lechner at
Fri Feb 25 12:16:25 CET 2005


i have some difficulties with our strange constellation of partitions. the 
default in our network is a three partition layout:
1) primary fat16 for DOS (our main admin is a turboBasic freak and needs that)
2) extendet ntfs for WinNT
3) primary NTFS for data and applications
as you can guess this was not my idea :)
the only way i got linux installed is by booting with an partition-magic disk 
and convert the extendet partition into a primary one and to shrink the last 
partition. thismleads to a pretty stupid partition-order: hde1, hde4 and then 
hde3. a manual debian installation worked with that, but fai just tells me 
the following:

Calling task_partition
Partitioning local harddisks
FAI: setup harddisks V0.32fai
Probing disks:  /dev/hde
Disks found: hde

parsing config file: /fai/disk_config/SMALL_IDE
NUMERATION ERROR in line 10, the number of the partition can not be preserved:
primary  /mnt/win2     preserve4   ro
cp: cannot stat `/tmp/fai/': No such file or directory

here are the important parts of my SMALL_IDE:

disk_config hde
primary  /mnt/win1     preserve1   ro
primary  /mnt/win2     preserve3   ro
primary  /mnt/win3     preserve4   ro
logical  /             70-2000      rw,errors=remount-ro ;-c -j ext3

switching hde4 before hde3 causes a similar error.
my question is: how do i get FAI to work with that? 
thanks in advance

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