how does FAI actually start on the install client?

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Wed Feb 23 12:02:25 CET 2005

>>>>> On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 10:49:13 +0100, martin f krafft <madduck at> said:

    > anyone know how the install client actually starts fai? it seems
    > that /sbin/init is called, but /etc/rc{s,2}.d do not seem to do
    > anything.

Hi Martin,

init is called from the kernel which starts with this entry from /etc/inittab:
But this is a symlinkk to the main fai script
	./etc/init.d/rcS -> ../../sbin/rcS_fai

    > i need to insert a step into the boot sequence right after mounting
    > the target filesystems, and before the base is untared. since this
    > is supposed to become an integral part of FAI, i want to do it
    > without hooks.
You SHOULD do it using a hook! Even hooks can be soucred if you need
that function. If you implement an extension using hooks, it's easier
for verybody to test it and easier for me to include it into fai.

regards Thomas

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