debootstrap failing ( part of fai )

Satyen Sheth satyen.sheth at
Fri Dec 2 01:16:09 CET 2005


I'm keen on getting FAI working as I have to install about 100 machines..

I've been playing with the config for a while.  and I've run into some
issues.  One issue with I'll dedicate this mail to is about
the debian mirror.


- Trying to automate sarge base install on i386 p4 boxes.
- Will PXE boot clients
- attempted to create deb mirror using http
- will attempt to install client using http
- using mkdebirror shipped with fai pkg for sarge


- debootstrap fails since it can't find the file 'Release'

Options used for debmirror:

allopt="$debug --ignore-missing-release --ignore-release-gpg --passive
--getcontents --nosource --arch=$arch --ignore=disks-$arch/ --verbose

* debootstrap works when you point to a mirror (not local - ie

-I've also tried to create the mirror _without_ the
'--ignore-missing-release --ignore-release-gpg' flags and fai-setup
fails with the same message
-I've also tried to use 'debmirror < arch targetdir> .... fails with
same error cited.
-under my target dir 'debmirror' there is a directory '.temp' the
Release and Release.gpg files are sync'ed in there. ( this would be
all of the meta data )
  I believe.

Account $LOGUSER=fai already exists.
Make sure that all install clients can
log into this account without a password.
/home/fai/.ssh/known_hosts remained unchanged.
/home/fai/.ssh/authorized_keys created.
User account fai set up.
Using configuration files from directory /etc/fai
Creating FAI nfsroot can take a long time and will
need more than 250MB disk space in /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot.
/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot already exists. Removing /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot
Creating nfsroot for sarge using debootstrap
Calling debootstrap sarge /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot
I: Retrieving debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_Release
E: Failed getting release file
chroot: cannot run command `apt-get': No such file or directory

So I've googled and searched the fai mail archives, and there is one
mention of the problem I'm having, but no real solution

Has anyone run into this problem? If someone could point me to the
right place to look, to get around this, i'd appreciate it.


My config files:


 # $Id: fai.conf,v 1.86 2005/05/19 09:28:33 lange Exp $
      3 # /etc/fai/fai.conf -- configuration for FAI (Fully Automatic
      5 # installserver must be the name seen by the install clients
      6 #installserver=FAI_INSTALLSERVER
      7 installserver=
     10 # the name of the Debian mirror, this is also hardcoded in
     12 #mirrorhost=
     13 mirrorhost=$installserver
     15 # Don't use the variable FAI_SOURCES_LIST any more.
     16 # Instead use /etc/fai/sources.list
     18 # Access to Debian mirror via NFS mounted directory
     19 # If FAI_DEBMIRROR is defined, install clients mount it to $MNTPOINT
     20 #FAI_DEBMIRROR=$mirrorhost:/files/scratch/debmirror/debian
     21 FAI_DEBMIRROR=$mirrorhost:/var/www/debmirror/debian
     23 # if your install server has multiple ethernet device, use this one to
     24 # determine its hostname. Default eth0. Set to the interface to which
     25 # the Beowulf clients are connected.
     28 # LOGUSER: an account on the install server which saves all log-files
     29 # and which can change the kernel that is booted via network.
     30 # Configure .rhosts for this account and PAM, so that root can log in
     31 # from all install clients without password. This account should have
     32 # write permissions for /boot/fai. For example, you can use write
     33 # permissions for the group linuxadm. chgrp linuxadm /boot/fai;chmod
     34 # g+w /boot/fai. If the variable is undefined, this feature is disabled.
     35 # Define it, to enable it, eg. LOGUSER=fai
     36 LOGUSER=fai
     38 # use ssh or rsh for copying log files to user fai and for logging in
     39 # from install clients to install server
     40 #FAI_REMOTESH=rsh
     41 #FAI_REMOTECP=rcp
     42 FAI_REMOTECP=scp
     43 FAI_REMOTESH=ssh
     45 # set protocol type for saving logs, default is rcp/scp. Set
to ftp if desired.
     46 #FAI_LOGPROTO=rcp
     47 FAI_LOGPROTO=scp
     48 # Name of log-server. If undefined, the install server will be used.
     49 LOGSERVER=
     50 # writable directory on remote server, when using FTP protocol
     51 LOGREMOTEDIR="upload"
     52 # password for login to log server, when using FTP protocol
     53 LOGPASSWD=
     55 # the configuration space on the install server
     56 FAI_CONFIGDIR=/usr/local/share/fai
     57 # the location of the config space, as seen by the install client
     58 # it can also be overwritten with T170 via BOOTP
     59 FAI_LOCATION=$installserver:$FAI_CONFIGDIR
     61 # the following variables are read only for most users
     63 # mount point where the mirror will be mounted
     64 MNTPOINT=/mnt2
     66 # directory on the install server where the nfsroot for FAI is
     67 # created, approx size: 160MB, also defined in bootptab or dhcp.conf
     68 NFSROOT=/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot
     70 # the local configuration directory on the install client
     71 FAI=/fai
     73 # the type of operating system (linux, sunos)
     74 OS_TYPE=`uname -s |  tr /A-Z/ /a-z/`


      1 # these variables are only used by make-fai-nfsroot(8)
      2 # here you can use also variables defined in fai.conf (like $mirrorhost)
      4 # Add a line for mirrorhost and installserver when DNS is not available
      5 # on the clients. This line(s) will be added to $nfsroot/etc/hosts.
      7 mirrorhost=""
      8 MNTPOINT=/mnt2
     10 #NFSROOT_ETC_HOSTS=" $mirrorhost"
     12 installserver="FAI_INSTALLSERVER"
     14 FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="sarge http://$mirrorhost/debmirror"
     15 #FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="sarge file:/files/scratch/debian"
     17 # your extra packages which will be installed into the
nfsroot, space separated
     18 NFSROOT_PACKAGES="cfengine expect"
     20 # this local repository holds your local packages that can be
installed to
     21 # the install clients. Don't forget to create the index file
     22 #FAI_LOCAL_REPOSITORY="deb file:/fai/files packages/"
     24 # the encrypted root password on all install clients during
     25 # installation process; used when log in via ssh; pw is: fai
     26 FAI_ROOTPW="56hNVqht51tzc"
     28 # this kernel package will be used when booting the install clients
     29 KERNELPACKAGE=/usr/lib/fai/kernel/kernel-image-2.6.8-fai_1_i386.deb
     31 # location of a file; this user can log to the install
     32 # clients in as root without a password; only useful with
     33 #SSH_IDENTITY=/home/admin/.ssh/
     35 # which of DHCP and/or BOOTP should the server create setups for.
     36 # Default are to create setups for both
     37 FAI_BOOT="dhcp bootp"
     39 # export $NFSROOT to this netgroup or this range of IP addresses
     40 # (eg. FAICLIENTS="")
     41 FAICLIENTS=`hostname -i | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.[0-9]*/\1.0\/24/'
| tr -d ' '`
     42 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     43 # following lines should be read only for most of you
     45 FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTS="--exclude=pcmcia-cs,ppp,pppconfig,pppoe,pppoeconf,dhcp-client,exim4,exim4-base,exim4-con
     47 nfssize="250MB"  # size of the nfsroot. Only informational purpose
     49 # FAI needs these packages that are install into the nfsroot
     50 packages="module-init-tools dhcp3-client ssh file rdate hwinfo portmap
     51 bootpc rsync wget rsh-client less dump reiserfsprogs usbutils
     52 hdparm smartmontools parted mdadm lvm2
     53 dnsutils ntpdate dosfstools cvs jove xfsprogs xfsdump
     54 sysutils dialog discover mdetect libnet-perl netcat libapt-pkg-perl"

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