FAIwiki - proposal for an other License but Creative Commons - was: Re: FAIwiki Copyrights

Dominik Kasprzyk dk at star.sr.bham.ac.uk
Tue Aug 9 15:15:26 CEST 2005

In the dim and distant past, I once used a wiki that had restricted changes on some of the pages, including the main index page and copyright page, which were managed by the wiki admins.  This did not hinder the spirit behind the wiki and served to bring some sanity to the whole thing (if you can imagine multiple people with different ideas of what should be on the index page...) so I don't see why locking should be a problem, assuming it can be done with the wiki system you use.


> I knew that the wiki has a history. But you cannot just revert the
> change. If now you realize somebody changed the license 2 months ago,
> that means everybody who wrote to the wiki in the meantime, released his
> content under the new license. 
> You must either ask the old editors if for them the change of the
> license is O.K. or the editors of the last two months if reverting to
> the old license is O.K. for them. And, as the wiki doesn't enforce
> having an email adress fom each editor ( you can leave this empty), it's
> not easy to ask everybody if he's allright with the changes. Plus, in
> case somebody is not O.K. with any of both possibilities, you'll have to
> find out his changes and remove them, which is not a funny task at all.
> I think locking for this page is the only viable solution.
> Henning

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