fai-setup hangs

Paul English tallpaul at speakeasy.org
Mon Oct 25 21:01:54 CEST 2004

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004, Florian Moellers wrote:

>     > `/etc/fai/sources.list' ->
>     > `/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/etc/apt/sources.list' Upgrading
>     > /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot Adding additional packages to
>     > /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot: module-init-tools dhcp3-client ssh file
> (...)
>     > Why wouldn't it be able to find that one particular package
> apt start's with the first entry in the list, which is
> module-init-tools. If it can't find this package, it stops.
> Have a deeper look at the entrys in /etc/fai/sources.list or post them
> so we can help.

Here is /etc/fai/sources.list, but I think you got to the problem below - 
my FAI version is 2.6.3 which I _think_ I got by doing apt-get install 

<comments trimmed>
# described in the fai guide.
deb http://localhost/debmirror/debian woody main contrib non-free
#deb http://localhost/debmirror/debian woody-proposed-updates main contrib non-free
deb http://localhost/debmirror/debian-non-US woody/non-US main contrib non-free
deb http://localhost/debmirror/debian-security woody/updates main contrib non-fr

> Another general question: Which version of FAI are you using? Version 2.5.4
> is the last one designed for woody. The 2.6 series installs sarge.

I think this is it - I removed the version 2.5.4 I had installed, 
downloaded the 2.5.4 release, installed it and now fai-setup works - I get 
the make-fai-nfsroot finished properly   
and FAI setup finished

Thanks for the help! Now on to the next step...


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