Problem with make-fai-bootfloppy

Binh Ngo at
Tue Nov 30 18:28:15 CET 2004


I upgraded fai to version 2.6.5 and fai_kernels to version 1.8.1. This 
is the error that I got when trying run make-fai-bootfloppy:

#make-fai-bootfloppy -vF FAI_ACTION=install
Using configuration files from directory /etc/fai.
Creating an ext2 filesystem on floppy device /dev/fd0.
Creating the boot floppy with grub.
Copying the kernel /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-fai to the 
cp: writing `/floppy/vmlinuz-2.6.8-fai': No space left on device

It looks like the size of the file vmlinuz-2.6.8-fai is too big to fit 
onto the diskette after other files (stage1,2) have been copied. I'm 
wondering if there is a fix for this problem.

Thanks for your time,
Binh Ngo

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