kernel BUG!

Steffen Grunewald steffen.grunewald at
Thu Nov 11 13:51:41 CET 2004

Hi Thomas,
On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 11:00:15AM +0100, Thomas Lange wrote:
>     > Thomas, would it be hard to include xfs into the default kernel?
> It's not hard to include xfs (so everybody could do this by himself)
> but that would add more than 500k to the kernel.

Confirmed, after looking in nfsroot/lib/modules/2.6.8-fai/kernel/fs/xfs.

  Then this kernel
> would not fit on a floppy any more (will break make-fai-bootlfoppy).

I see.

> also think this is a modprobe, xfs driver or a kernel bug, so please
> fill a bug report against it. Therefore I will not include xfs into
> the default fai-kernel.

Hmmm, somehow it got there. xfs.ko, time stamped Sep 13, size 547237.
Thus I must assume that it came with the FAI kernel... and it's a FAI
(I saw the message that the kernel would not support XFS sometime
before, thus something must have gone wrong during the kernel build?)

Sorry for that...

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