Force 3w-9xxx to be loaded?

Steffen Grunewald steffen.grunewald at
Tue Nov 9 08:56:17 CET 2004

Hi Thomas,

thanks for leading me out of my blindness...

>     > automatically ( it tries to load 3w-xxxx ) - how can I force 3w-9xxx to
>     > be loaded before proceeding?
> Have a look at class/06hwdetect.source. There you can load kernel
> driver during the installation.

That's the "kernelmodules" definition.

  Also add these driver to the variable
> moduleslist in a *.var file. E.g:
> DEFAULT.var:
> # modules that will be loaded by the new system, not during installation
> # these modules will be written to /etc/modules
> moduleslist="e100 3c59x usbkbd usb-uhci keybdev mousedev hid"

Did that before, but  it says "not during installation" which is true.
Perhaps you should add a note there pointing to hwdetect?
# If you need a module during installation, add it to $kernelmodules
# in 06hwdetect.source 

Thanks again,

Steffen Grunewald * * * Merlin cluster admin (
Albert-Einstein-Institut (MPI Gravitationsphysik,
       Science Park Golm, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam, Germany
e-mail: steffen.grunewald(*) * +49-331-567-{fon:7233,fax:7298}

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