fai on ppc

Holger Levsen hl at hbt.de
Thu Jul 8 10:32:51 CEST 2004


fai2.5.4 on woody works mostly well on powerpc. 

What doesn't work is partitioning as setup_harddisks uses fdisk which
isn't available on powerpc. (only mac-fdisk which has different
features.) I use hooks to workaround this problem.

You can find some more hints and a powerpc-fai-kernel (which is tested
on a poermac 4400/200 and an 800mhz g3 ibook) at
http://www.layer-acht.org/fai/ - unfortunatly this page is beta right
now and the hooks mentioned above are not there yet. 

As my ibook broke recently (and just came back from apple two days ago)
I'm now in the process of reinstalling it from scratch with FAI. As soon
as possible I will provide the class files used on that webpage.

If you need the partitioning hook today send an email to fai at


On Thu, 2004-07-08 at 06:12, Ruth Shewmon wrote:
> Does anybody have any helpful advice about using fai
> to install debian woody on ppc?  I've heard of fai
> installations on ppc but I can't find where to
> download all of the files.  Do I need to compile an
> fai kernel deb myself? Do I need to upgrade to sarge?
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