Newbie Updating Question

Haakon Humberset humbe at
Fri Jan 9 01:29:42 CET 2004

For regular package updates use apt/dpkg as normal..

If you for instance want to change the configuration of your cluster, you
may alter the config and set it up, such that each node reinstalls itself
overnight or something...

I don't think there's anything in FAI that updates an installation without
reinstalling it.. It has two options on booting, install and sysinfo..


On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Stephen A. Witt wrote:
> I read where FAI is used to both "install" and "update" a Debian
> installation. I sort of understand the installation part (well, I'm
> working on it), but I don't understand the update part, unless update
> means reinstall with an updated FAI configuration. It seems that when
> updating you'd fall back on the normal Debian dselect/apt-get update
> mechanisms, or is there something that does this in FAI that I'm missing.
> Thanks...

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