Installed demo won't boot

Dylan Vaughn dylan at
Mon Feb 9 19:33:52 CET 2004

Sanders, M. wrote:

>(hd0,0): Filesystemtype os ext2fs, partition type 0x83
>kernel root=/dev/hda1
>Error 1: Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist
>I am using fai 2.5.2 and fai-kernels 1.5.3. This probably is a grub
>issue but since it is the demo and I have not yet found my way in the
>configuration space any hints are highly appreciated.
hey there - i got this error too when i was trying to use the latest fai 
with a woody debian installation.  in the logs it said the kernel 
package wasn't getting installed b/c the kernel for the clients (2.4.22) 
requires a version of initrd-tools that is only in Sarge or on  When I put:

deb stable initrd-tools

into FAI_SOURCES_LIST at /etc/fai/fai.conf everything worked fine.  

but now i'm on sarge so it's not a problem anymore! :)


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