getting a console

martin f krafft madduck at
Tue Dec 14 12:24:13 CET 2004

also sprach Cyril Bouthors <cyril at> [2004.12.14.1214 +0100]:
> Is there a way to avoid changing the DHCP configuration to get
> a terminal with FAI?

Either DHCP or the boot medium. I do not know of another way.

> Is there a way to get a terminal with ALT-F<whatever> during every
> FA Installations in order to ease the debug process when problems
> occur?

Yes, you need to pass the createvt option in FAI_FLAGS. Please read
up on FAI_FLAGS.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:" net at madduck
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 interrupted at a very last resort, and the access of the memory makes
 your floppy disk abort, then the socket packet pocket has an error to
                                                      -- <speedstream>
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