taskinst package selection seems broken

Steffen Grunewald steffen.grunewald at aei.mpg.de
Mon Aug 23 16:46:23 CEST 2004

On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 12:59:48PM +0200, Thomas Lange wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 08:19:22 -0400 (EDT), malk at sidehack.sat.gweep.net said:
>     > Tried out FAI 2.6.1 last night and wanted to try selecting packages
>     > via the tasksel tasks and found I could only do one "task" per FAI
>     > install.  Doing multiples would fail because tasksel would be passed
>     > each task on the same commandline and it doesn't seem to like that.
> Maybe this is a whishlist bug for tasksel, or even a major bug? The
> old implementation of tasksel had this feature, so I could depend on it. 

Here Verision 2.09 of the tasksel package is running, with the same

tasksel problems:
install_packages: executing chroot /tmp/target tasksel -n install desktop kernel-compile python-dev science tex
tasksel install <task>
tasksel remove <task>
tasksel [options]; where options is any combination of:
        -t, --test          test mode; don't really do anything
        -r, --required      install all required-priority packages
        -i, --important     install all important-priority packages
        -s, --standard      install all standard-priority packages
        -n, --no-ui         don't show UI; use with -r or -i usually
            --new-install   automatically install some tasks
            --list-tasks    list tasks that would be displayed and exit
            --task-packages list available packages in a task
            --task-desc     returns the description of a task
ERROR: 256 256

Apparently, none of the selected tasks has been installed...
A (simple?) workaround would be to loop over all tasks to be installed.


Steffen Grunewald * * * Merlin cluster admin (http://pandora.aei.mpg.de)
Albert-Einstein-Institut (MPI Gravitationsphysik, http://www.aei.mpg.de)
       Science Park Golm, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam, Germany
e-mail: steffen.grunewald(*)aei.mpg.de * +49-331-567-{fon:7233,fax:7298}

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