Separate NFS and TFTP servers

Timm Essigke Timm.Essigke at
Tue Aug 3 01:37:23 CEST 2004

Hi all!

I try to install FAI in a Vserver ( The 
FAI config and the TFTP server should be in a vserver, while the NFS 
export is done by the host machine (with kernel NFS). I have set up 
everything else also in this way (e.g. dhcp server, aptproxy server...). 
This has the advantages of a clear separation with better security if 
one of the services is compromised (vservers without dangerous 
capabilities, minimal installation each).
After uncommenting the mount/umount commands in 
fai-setup/make-fai-nfsroot, and doing the mounting in the vserver 
startup scripts, I got a FAI server which allows a client to boot a 

But now I got stuck:
How can I set the bootserver and rootserver independent of the 
faiserver/tftpserver IP?
I am sure there is a variable to do so, but I couldn't find anything in 
the docs.



P.S.: If not I have to do some tweaking with firewall rules to redirect 
the mount requests...

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