fai-setup problem
Peter Simko
simko at phy.anl.gov
Fri Apr 30 21:49:53 CEST 2004
I'm a relative newb trying to configure a network with FAI using fai
v2.5.4 and fai-kernels v1.6. I've already run mkdebmirror on the install
server to create a mirror for woody. My plan is to use NFS to export the
mirror on the server to the remote clients. I'm having a problem running
fai-setup though, and I don't know if it's because of a bug or because
I've botched fai.conf. The error I get from fai-setup is:
E: Invalid release file, no entry for main/binary-i386-none/Packages
chroot: cannot execute apt-get: No such file or directory
I've also attached my fai.conf file. Am I correct in assuming that since
the mirror is stored locally on the installation server I don't need to
Thanks in advance,
Pete S.
-------------- next part --------------
# $Id: fai.conf,v 1.52 2002/04/15 16:29:08 lange Exp $
# /etc/fai/fai.conf -- configuration for FAI (Fully Automatic Installation)
debdist=woody # distribution: potato, woody, sid
# if FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP is defined, use debootstrap, not FAI_BASETGZ
FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="$debdist file:/files/scratch/debmirror/debian"
# Access to Debian mirror via NFS mounted directory
# NFS remote location of mirror
# mount point where the mirror will be mounted;
# must not be used by other filesystems
# define both MNTPOINT and FAI_DEBMIRROR or none
#FAI_SOURCES_LIST="deb file:$MNTPOINT/debian $debdist main contrib non-free
#deb file:$MNTPOINT/debian/ dists/$debdist-proposed-updates/
#deb file:$MNTPOINT/debian-non-US $debdist/non-US main contrib non-free
#deb file:$MNTPOINT/debian-security/ $debdist/updates main contrib non-free"
# extra packages, that will be installed into nfsroot
# add lvm, raidtools2 only if needed
# woody packages
NFSROOT_PACKAGES="ssh expect reiserfsprogs dpkg-dev"
# the encrypted root password on all install clients during
# installation process; used when log in via ssh; pw is: fai
# location of a identity.pub file; this user can log in as root
# without password ; only usefull with FAI_FLAGS="sshd"
# this kernel package will be used when booting the install clients
# LOGUSER: an account on the install server, which saves all log-files
# [...]
# use ssh or rsh for copying log files to user fai and for changing
# tftp symbolic link
# following variables are read only for most users
# directory on the install server, where the nfsroot for FAI is
# created, approx size: 140MB, also defined in bootptab or dhcp.conf
# the configuration space
# where the subroutines are
# the local configuration directory on the install client
# the type of operating system (linux, sunos)
OS_TYPE=`uname -s | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
# use DHCP when make-fai-nfsroot is run
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