mkdebmirror doesn't get pool

John Meagher jmeagher at
Thu Apr 8 17:30:19 CEST 2004

I have been attempting to set up FAI and have a few questions:

1) I used mkdebmirror to create a local mirror but the pool directory
was not copied.
I would think that pool would be of prime importance, but that's
probably because I'm confused about how it works.  Why is it not in
the script to mirror /pool ?

When I run fai-setup on the it terminates with:

+ call_verbose debootstrap --arch i386
exim4-base,exim4-config,exim4-daemon-light,mailx,at,fdutils,info, \
modconf,libident,logrotate,exim woody /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot
+ '[' '' ']'
+ debootstrap --arch i386
exim4-base,exim4-config,exim4-daemon-light,mailx,at,fdutils,info, \
modconf,libident,logrotate,exim woody /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot
E: Couldn't download adduser
+ true
+ chroot /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot apt-get clean
chroot: apt-get: No such file or directory
+ umount_dirs
+ chroot /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot dpkg-divert --package fai --rename
--remove /sbin/discover
chroot: dpkg-divert: No such file or directory

Since adduser is in the pool, and there's no pool, I'm not surprised.

2) Most of the time when I run debmirror or mkdebmirror, the program
stops with the complaint that some files could not be downloaded.  Do
I have to manually look through the logs to find out what didn't load
and go find it somewhere else?

3) In other postings on this list, it was recommended to use apt-proxy
Does it solve the problem I'm having, or do I need to modify

Thanks in advance,


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