Help! Could not find kernel image: perca-localboot
Eric Björkvall
eric at
Tue Apr 6 17:00:24 CEST 2004
Thanks for suggestions:
more specifications on my config:
running sarge as fai-server, wanting to install sarge clients
Thomas wrote:
>> rcS.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/ Packages
>> (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2 No such
>> file or directory)
> First you have to fix this error. Create a Packages.gz file as
> described in the fai guide.
Fixed this by running
cd /usr/local/share/fai/files
dpkg-scanpackages packages /dev/null | gzip -9 > packages/Packages.gz
Michael wrote:
> It seems if there was no kernel-image - you should specify one in the
> matching
> *.var (at least in DEFAULT.var) file in the variable addpackages
> Greets, Michael
Holger wrote:
> Are you using woody or testing ? Which fai version do you use ? Could
> you please post your fai.conf and the FAI_CONFIGDIR/class/*.var where
> kernel image=perca-localboot is defined ?
> Looks like the kernel-image-debian-package can't get installed, have a
> look a shell.log.
running sarge, latest fai
# default values for installation. You can override them in your *.var
# Set UTC=yes if your system clock is set to UTC (GMT), and UTC=no if
# root password for the new installed linux system; pw is "fai"
# packages in /fai/files/packages/ that are installed to the new system
# used in scripts/DEFAULT/S01. This directory should be a simple
# you can also include your specific kernel-image package
kernelversion=2.4.24 # for the packages kernel-doc and kernel-source
# lilo parameter for the new installed kernel
# modules that will be loaded by the new system, not during
# these modules will be written to /etc/modules
moduleslist="3c59x usbkbd usb-uhci keybdev mousedev hid"
# link in /boot/fai to an image that boots from local disk, if BOOTP
# is used
# see DATALESS.var
# list of printers, used by scripts/NETWORK/S40
other *.var unchanged from installation of fai...
# $Id: fai.conf,v 1.78 2004/01/30 22:02:12 lange Exp $
# /etc/fai/fai.conf -- configuration for FAI (Fully Automatic
# installserver must be the name seen by the install clients
# the name of the Debian mirror
debdist=sarge # distribution: woody, sarge, sid
# Add a line for mirrorhost and installserver when DNS is not available
# on the clients. This line(s) will be added to $nfsroot/etc/hosts.
#NFSROOT_ETC_HOSTS=" $mirrorhost"
#FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="$debdist http://$mirrorhost/debmirror/debian"
FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="$debdist file:/files/scratch/debmirror/debian"
# Don't use the variable FAI_SOURCES_LIST any more (but it's still
# Instead use a sources.list file (eg. /etc/fai/sources.list)
# Access to Debian mirror via NFS mounted directory
# If FAI_DEBMIRROR is defined, install clients mount it to $MNTPOINT
# this local repository holds your local packages that can be installed
# the install clients. Don't forget to create the index file
FAI_LOCAL_REPOSITORY="deb file:/fai/files packages/"
# this kernel package will be used when booting the install clients
# extra packages which will be installed into the nfsroot
# the encrypted root password on all install clients during
# installation process; used when log in via ssh; pw is: fai
# location of a file; this user can log to the install
# clients in as root without a password; only useful with
# if your install server has multiple ethernet device, use this one to
# determine its hostname. Default eth0. Set to the interface to which
# the Beowulf clients are connected.
# LOGUSER: an account on the install server which saves all log-files
# and which can change the kernel that is booted via
# network. Configure .rhosts for this account and PAM, so that root can
# log in from all install clients without password. This account
# should have write permissions for /boot/fai. For example, you can use
# write permissions for the group linuxadm. chgrp linuxadm
# /boot/fai;chmod g+w /boot/fai. If the variable is undefined, this
# feature is disabled
# use ssh or rsh for copying log files to user fai and for changing
# tftp symbolic link
# set protocol type for saving logs, default is rcp/scp. Set to ftp if
# Name of log-server. If undefined, the install server will be used.
# writable directory on remote server, when using FTP protocol
# password for login to log server, when using FTP protocol
# the configuration space on the install server
# the location of the config space, as seen by the install client
# it can also be overwritten in T170 via BOOTP and DHCP
# which of DHCP and/or BOOTP should the server create setups for.
# Default are to create setups for both
# the following variables are read only for most users
# mount point where the mirror will be mounted
# directory on the install server where the nfsroot for FAI is
# created, approx size: 160MB, also defined in bootptab or dhcp.conf
# the local configuration directory on the install client
# the type of operating system (linux, sunos)
OS_TYPE=`uname -s | tr /A-Z/ /a-z/`
> Hi!
> I've set up a fai-server and I'm able to boot clients, installation
> seams to work allright but
> when the klient is trying to boot with it's own kernel I get the
> following error:
> Could not find kernel image: perca-localboot
> Configuration:
> I copied the class "demo" to /usr/local/share/fai/class/perca
> Server is esox (running sarge): nfs, dhcpd, rsh are working. Client
> are booting with pxe - ran fai-chboot -BIv perca
> sources.list:
> deb file:/mnt2/debian sarge main contrib non-free
> #deb file:/mnt2/debian sarge-proposed-updates main contrib non-free
> deb file:/mnt2/debian-non-US sarge/non-US main contrib non-free
> #deb file:/mnt2/debian-security sarge/updates main contrib non-free
> The error log (/home/fai/perca/last-install/error.log) looks like this:
> dmesg.log:cdrom: open failed.
> rcS.log:Can't connect daemon on esox. Monitoring disabled.
> rcS.log:WARNING: These unknown packages are removed from the
> installation list: gnome-users-guide gnome-help-data
> rcS.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/ Packages
> (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2 No such
> file or directory)
> rcS.log:ERROR: 25600 25600
> rcS.log:DEFAULT/S01 FAILED with exit code 1.
> rcS.log:NETWORK/S40 FAILED with exit code 1.
> rcS.log:rcp: /tmp/target/boot/vmlinuz-*: No such file or directory
> rcS.log:rcp: /tmp/target/boot/initrd.img-*: No such file or directory
> shell.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/
> Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2
> No such file or directory)
> shell.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/
> Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2
> No such file or directory)
> shell.log:E: Couldn't find package kernel-image-2.4.24-2-386
> shell.log:ftar died with error: No directory /fai/files//etc/cron.d
> shell.log:DEFAULT/S01 FAILED with exit code 1.
> shell.log:ls: vmlinuz-*: No such file or directory
> shell.log:ls: /tmp/target/boot/vmlinuz-*: No such file or directory
> shell.log:Can't match device: /dev/root
> shell.log:NETWORK/S40 FAILED with exit code 1.
> shell.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/
> Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2
> No such file or directory)
> software.log:WARNING: These unknown packages are removed from the
> installation list: gnome-users-guide gnome-help-data
> software.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/
> Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2
> No such file or directory)
> software.log:ERROR: 25600 25600
> status.log:DEFAULT/S01 FAILED with exit code 1.
> status.log:NETWORK/S40 FAILED with exit code 1.
> updatebase.log: File not found
> updatebase.log:Failed to fetch file:/fai/files/packages/Packages.gz
> File not found
> updatebase.log:E: Some index files failed to download, they have been
> ignored, or old ones used instead.
> updatebase.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/
> Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2
> No such file or directory)
> updatebase.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/
> Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2
> No such file or directory)
> updatebase.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/
> Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2
> No such file or directory)
> updatebase.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/
> Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2
> No such file or directory)
> updatebase.log:W: Couldn't stat source package list file: packages/
> Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_fai_files_packages_Packages) - stat (2
> No such file or directory)
> Any help is very appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Eric
> --------------------------------------------
> Eric Björkvall
> --------------------------------------------
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