RFC: new location of configuration space

Eric Nodwell nodwell at physics.ubc.ca
Tue May 20 20:19:07 CEST 2003

I think it's a great idea to change the default location.
/usr/local/share/fai has never made sense to me.

On my cluster I export (mirror actually) /usr/local to all nodes,
which is a common configuration.  Clearly I don't need to have the fai
config directory available to every node.

At the moment I'm using /var/fai/config.

Perhaps it would make most sense to put the config directory in /etc,
perhaps /etc/fai/hosts-config?  It would seem to be consistent with
the Debian file structure, not that I'm an expert.


On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 02:10:33PM +0200, Thomas Lange wrote:
> Hi all,
> some folks remarked that the default location for the
> configuration space (currently /usr/local/share/fai) may be changed to
> /usr/share/... (I propose to use /usr/share/fai/config). Which
> location are you using with your fai installation? What do you think
> about a new default location? Are there some technical reason for a
> certain location?

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