hostname and /fai/files

Holger Levsen fai at
Thu Jun 5 08:57:46 CEST 2003


> Is fcopy applied by default on fai/files/<FILENAME-DIR>/<CLASSNAME> or do i
> have to enable it using a certain task?

neither ;) you have to write your own script which calls fcopy. let's assume a 
s script which is located in FAI_CONFIGDIR/scripts/MYCLASS for exampe:


fcopy /etc/issue /etc/motd


this script will copy the files  FAI_CONFIGDIR/files/etc/motd/DEFAULT or 
FAI_CONFIGDIR/files/etc/motd/MYCLASS, and likewise for 

read "man fcopy" - I re-read it a while ago and found it really help- and 
hintfull ;-)

have a nice day...

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