Dynamically defining classes, ordering, hardware detection

AUSTIN MURPHY amurphy at nbcs.rutgers.edu
Wed Jan 15 20:53:21 CET 2003

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Niall Young wrote:
> How about overriding other class behaviour with hooks and files, I
> guess that gets back to the order in which everything is defined
> and run - e.g. class FOO installs /etc/lilo.conf but if class BAH
> also has one, how can I guarantee that BAH replaces it *after* FOO
> has finished?

If you use fcopy, and BAH is defined before FOO, fcopy will copy the
lilo.conf from BAH.  If BAH is not defined, but FOO is, then fcopy will
copy FOO's lilo.conf.

> I'm back to thinking about class ordering and inheritence now, anyone
> looking into this stuff already?

I have a patch that does this that we spoke about a few months ago.

Some Documentation is here:

Patch to subroutines is here:


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