MD5 Support

Recycle Computer hedges at
Thu Feb 6 21:37:42 CET 2003

senaque at wrote:
 > Sebastien, on my particular system this still doesn't do the trick, 
however under further
 > investigation I did find something out...
 > It appears that if I run $ROOTCMD dpkg-reconfigure passwd, it will 
use the dialog frontend, ask
 > me a bunch of questions then exit, and passwd will now be added to 
the debconf cache db... (then
 > allowing me to send commands using debconf-communicate). But, if I 
run it in noninteractive
 > frontend, it doesn't do anything.
 > Is it possible that the passwd package using noninteractive frontend 
is broken? Can we use fai-
 > divert for this purpose?

Change the pam configuration files to allow md5?



Recycle Computer -- "Your b2b Linux computer factory!"
1400 Coleman Ave. #D-14             831-AKA-SBOX
Santa Clara, CA  95050              831-252-7269

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