apt-get breaks w/ too many packages

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Mon Aug 4 14:08:02 CEST 2003

>>>>> On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 14:09:13 -0700, Mark Hedges <hedges at recyclecomputer.com> said:

    > Apparently apt-get cannot resolve dependencies if you specify
    > too many packages in a single call.  (Maybe this is actually the
    > command line character limit?)  install_packages probably ought
    > to break up the list of packages when calling apt-get install.
Now, you can set a maximum number of packages that are installed at a
time. The newest version of install_packages (in the cvs tree) will
have a new option -m. You can also set MAXPACKAGES in fai.conf.

Hope that this helps.
regards Thomas

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