several kernels?

Michael Renner michael.renner at
Tue Sep 17 18:35:33 CEST 2002

I need to have several kernels on my maschines, the users may have the 
possibility to choose one of them.
But when I put the name of a kernelpackage to ... lets say 
fai/disk_config/MY_CLASS the non interactiv installation fails due there is 
no $target/etc/lilo.conf and no /vmlinuz at this moment. The kernel which is 
installed by FAI is installed as one as the last things, also the lilo.conf 
is generated as one on the latest steps.

Any ideas beside to create a kernelpackage without the postinst and preinst 

|Michael Renner      E-mail: michael.renner at  |
|D-72072 Tuebingen   Germany                        |
|Germany             Don't drink as root!      ESC:wq

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