ssh key problem (was: Re: documentation proposals and bugfix proposal)

Andreas Schockenhoff asc at
Sun Sep 1 12:02:46 CEST 2002


On 30. 08.2002 14:20 Henning Sprang wrote:

> 5) again, when using ssh as protocol for saving the install logfiles,  the
> problem arises, that the client need s manual input when it doesn't have
> the install server's key in his ssh/known_hosts list.
> make-fai-nfsroot copies the file /etc/ssh/known_hosts to the nfsroot
> directory, but at least we here don't have a host itself in its own
> known_hosts file. 
> so adding the hosts own host key to the nfsroot's known_hosts list is
> necessary.
> I did this by doing:
>    # chroot /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/
> accept servers ssh key manually, then cancel the ssh connection
>    # exit
>    # cat /usr/local/fai/nfsroot/root/.ssh/known_hosts
> >>/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
I have found that the key in
/root/.ssh/known_host and /etc/ssh/
is the same.
ssh-keyscan looks like a tool to use for this.
ssh-keyscan -t rsa >> $nfsroot/root/.ssh/known_host	

I have make a small test it seams to work but i an not sure. :-) 

bye Andreas

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