scsi problems

Mark Hedges hedges at
Tue Oct 29 20:52:56 CET 2002

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Thomas Lange wrote:
>     > Do I use the TFTP server?  I use a floppy boot disk created with
>     > a custom light-weight kernel with all the Ethernet drivers.  Is
>     > this the kernel that must support all SCSI, or the one unpacked
>     > to /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19?  The boot floppy
>     > mounts the root partition with NFS.  Which package unpacks to
>     > /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/boot?  Documentation confused me.
> If you boot from floppy disk you do not need TFTP. The kernel in
> /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19 should be the same as on the
> floppy disk. It WILL BE the same kernel if you use the command
> make-fai-bootfloppy. The kernel is used from floppy disk, but all the
> kernel modules come from /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/lib/modules/2.4.19/....

I worked out the issue with the kernel modules and symbol
versioning conflict from my old boot floppy and new modules.

However fai still does not write the disk_var file.
It is strange.  class/S03hwdetect.source does not appear to call
disk_info and so it never writes /tmp/fai/ .
Now I appear to have this problem with an IDE-only unit.
Hmmm, /proc/partitions was empty when S03hwdetect.source ran.
But setup_harddisks found disk info in /proc/partitions.
Apparently this IDE bus or this disk does not activate
unless polled.  I added "sfdisk -g -q" to the top of
S03hwdetect.source, and this filled out /proc/partitions.
Maybe this will work with the SCSI unit, too.


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