Fai for remote administration

Henning Glawe glaweh at physik.fu-berlin.de
Wed Jun 26 11:16:16 CEST 2002

after hacking FAI for quite a while, now the functions for remote
administration seem to work. the work is not yet integrated into
mainstream-FAI nor well documented, but if anybody wants to test: at the
following address you can get a tar containing a build-script.


Attached to this mail you find the changes we made to fai locally.

c u
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This is PFAI, a Patched FAI.

it allows you to do remote administration via FAI, for this some
infrasturctural changes were needed (see CHANGES.pfai)

PFAI is built by calling build-pfai, which checks out FAI CVS (unless $FAIUP
is defined, then it copies all files from there), copies the changed scripts
and builds the packages in /tmp;
if $PFAIUPLOADCOMMAND is defined, this command is called in /tmp.

Berlin, 26.06.2002
Henning Glawe <glaweh at physik.fu-berlin.de>

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-new packaging structure:
    fai-client: all FAI files you need on a FAI client
    fai-server: guess what ;)
       fai-doc: documentation from mainstream FAI
   fai-nfsroot: a really dangerous package for converting a working debian
                root into a fai-nfsroot.
 I know that this last package violates the policy very hard by converting the
 root which it is installed to into a nfsroot by default...

-new nfsroot build script:
   basically it is now only calling debootstrap, installing additional packages
   (which includes fai-nfsroot, in whichs maintainer scripts all the 
   intelligence now resides) and copying config files.  updated templates are 
   included which make use of the postinst function support in fcopy 

-changed scripts:
    don't export subroutines ! we had quite a few errors with maintainers
    scripts using xargs (complaining about overfull environment)
    renamed ! otherwise we can't do the non-destructive converting of a
    debian root into a fai-nfsroot (as soon as the package fai-nfsroot is
    removed or told by dpkg-reconfigure, the root works again as a normal
  -subroutines.*: some changes providing the infrastructure for system

-new scripts:
     this causes the maintainance run (basically an installation without

     updates the bootp/dhcp environment after installing/upgrading the
     install kernel, to be put into the nfsroots /etc/kernel-img.conf

     to be put into clients /etc/kernel-img.confs, calls update-grub and
     backgrounds fai-reboot-thread

     simple script to be backgrounded which checks periodically for
     non-system processes and logged in users. if it can't find any, it tells
     the system to reboot.

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