Question about the code...

Paul Lussier pll at
Wed Jun 12 19:47:32 CEST 2002

In, the following code segment 

	sub read_disk_info {

	  # disk_info set variables containing the information

	  my ($size,$bytes_per_block);
	  $bytes_per_block= 1024; # should be constant for /proc/partitions;\
				  # must be proofed !

	  while ($ENV{device_size}=~ /(\S+)\s+(\d+)/g)  {
	    my ($device,$blocks) = ($1,$2);
	    push @devicelist,$device;
	    $blocks{$device} = $blocks;
	    $size = $blocks{$device} * $bytes_per_block / (1024*1024) ;
	    $sum_disk_size += $size;
	    $disksize{$device} = $size;

This code is called from class/ as:


When called, there is nothing passed to it, so there is no $_ for the 
'while' look to operate on, therefore $ENV{device_size} remains 
undefined, which therefore prevents that 'while' loop from doing 
anything useful. 

Should read_disk_info() be passed some parameter?  What exactly is 
this sub supposed to be doing?

I tried defining my as:

	($numdisks == 4) and
	     disksize(hda,70000,90000) and
	     disksize(hdb,70000,90000) and
	     disksize(hdc,70000,90000) and
	     disksize(hdd,70000,90000) and

since I have 4 80GB drives in my client systems.  disk_config/
80GB_NODE is defined as:

	disk_config hda

	primary	/boot	128	rw				;-m 1 -j ext3
	primary	swap	500	sw				;
	logical	/	500	defaults,errors=remount-ro	;-m 1 -j ext3
	logical	/usr	5000	rw				;-m 1 -j ext3
	logical	/var	5000	rw				;-m 1 -j ext3
	logical	/spare	67031	rw				;-m 1 -j ext3

	disk_config hdb
	primary -	80000	;

	disk_config hdc
	primary -	80000	;

	disk_config hdd
	primary -	80000	;

	disk_config md0
	primary	    /huge	160000-;reiser

but this doesn't seem to have any effect, since never 
results in any output.

Anyone have any ideas where I messed up?


	It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

	 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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