client not finding installkernel img

pll at pll at
Mon Jun 10 21:46:59 CEST 2002


I'm a little confused.  The dhcp server config has the statements:

	filename "/boot/fai/pxelinux.0";
	next-server nomen;

which I understand to mean that the install client will attempt to 
dhcp boot, then be redirected to 'nomen' to tftp the file pxelinux.0
Is this correct?

When the client is PXE booting, it contacts the dhcp server, 
evidently gets an IP address, and then begins trying to find the 
config file /boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/<Hex IP addr>, which it fails to 
find.  My tcpdump shows this:

15:05:29 client > nomen.tftp:  47 RRQ "/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/C0A80A0"
15:06:11 client > nomen.tftp:  46 RRQ "/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/C0A80A"
15:07:12 client > nomen.tftp:  45 RRQ "/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/C0A80"
15:07:34 client > nomen.tftp:  44 RRQ "/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/C0A8"
15:07:34 client > nomen.tftp:  44 RRQ "/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/C0A8"
15:08:36 client > nomen.tftp:  43 RRQ "/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/C0A"
15:08:57 client > nomen.tftp:  42 RRQ "/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/C0"
15:09:59 client > nomen.tftp:  41 RRQ "/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/C"
15:10:20 client > nomen.tftp:  47 RRQ "/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/default"

(Each line is actually repeated 6 or so times before moving on to the 
next one.)

Here are the contents of /boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/:

	nomen:/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg# ls -l
	total 1
	lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root    7 Jun 10 13:40 C0A80A0A -> default
	-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root  567 Jun 10 14:12 default

And here's /boot/fai/:

nomen:/boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg# ls -l /boot/fai
total 1349
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       17 Jun  4 13:49 ant01 -> installimage_3com
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       17 Jun  4 13:49 atom_install -> installimage_3com
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       17 Jun  4 13:49 bigfoot -> installimage_3com
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1362350 Jun 10 13:53 installkernel
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     9952 Jun 10 13:18 pxelinux.0
  drwxrwxrwx 2 root root     1024 Jun 10 15:16 pxelinux.cfg

Eventually I end up at a "boot:" prompt but I don't know what do once 
I get there.  I don't quite follow the docs on how this is all supposed 
to work (seems like there isn't much wrt PXE booting in the docs).

I'm guessing the sequence should be something like this:

	- PXE boot to obtain IP from DHCP server
	- DHCP provides basic network info and redirects to tftp server
	- Grap /boot/fai/pxelinux.0 from tftp server, which attempts 
	  to load /boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/<Hex IP Addr>
	- config file points to some other bootable kernel image like 
	- installkernel continues the FAI installation process.

Is this sequence correct?  If so, what the heck am I doing wrong?

I apologize if I'm being unusually dense, I've tried to RTFM, but I 
can't seem to find what I need in them :(


	It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

	 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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