FAI scripts and automatic backups by editors

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Mon Jun 3 14:40:16 CEST 2002

>>>>> On Mon, 3 Jun 2002 15:30:45 +0300, Arto Teras <arto.teras at hip.fi> said:

    > The automatic creation of backup files in some editors (in this
    > case emacs) easily causes problems here. For instance I edited
    > the script S40 under directory NETWORK and emacs copied the old
    > one to name S40~. FAI executed both of them, the "backup" one
    > thus overriding the settings of the "correct" S40.
If you use CVS, no ~ files are created. This is what I do, so I didn't
catch this bug. I will implement a patch for the next version.

This will be the new line in task_configure()

for f in `ls $class/S[0-9]*[^~]` ; do

What about %, .bak and other suffixes ?

Gruss Thomas

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