Disk labels in setup_harddisks

Devlin devlin at softhome.net
Tue Jul 9 02:10:59 CEST 2002

The following patch makes setup_harddisks handle alphanumeric labels.  
At a code level, it also generalizes the ParseConfigFile subroutine's 
"extra option" checking.  The previous patch I submitted only works with 
numeric labels.

This patch changes the way to check if an option is present for a 
partition in ParseConfigFile.  Instead of checking with

($options =~ /\boption\b/i)

, check [after applying this patch] with

CheckOption($options, "option")

.  "option" can be a regex with setup_harddisks patched, as it can be 
without the patch.

I generalized so the patch doesn't complicate ParseConfigFile.  The 
patch complicates option  checking, by introducing possible conflict 
between extra option names and -L parameters.  With the CheckOption 
subroutine, it is still easy to add options (like -L) that take a string 
parameter, and to add new checks for extra options.

--- setup_harddisks.orig  Mon Jun 24 20:38:38 2002
+++ setup_harddisks     Mon Jul  8 18:02:07 2002
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
  # [-d]                     default: no DOS alignment
+# Last changes: 08.07.2002 by Devlin <devlin at softhome.net>
  # Last changes: 14.05.2002 by Thomas Lange use strict
  # Last changes: 04.05.2002 by Thomas Lange use strict
  # Last changes: 29.04.2002 by Thomas Lange add swaplist
@@ -110,25 +111,24 @@
  #         default is "default"
  #   After the semicolon there could be extra options like:
-#     -i <bytes>   : Bytes per inodes
-#                    (only ext2/3 filesystem)
-#     -m <blocks>% : reserved blocks percentage for superuser
-#                    (only ext2/3 filesystem)
-#     -j          : format in ext3
-#     -c           : check for bad blocks
-#     format       : Always format this partition even if preserve
-#     lazyformat   : Do not format if partition has not moved
-#                    (useful for testing the installation)
-#     boot         : make this partition the boot-partition (the
-#                    linux root filesystem is the default)
-#     ext2         : Extended 2 filesystem (this is the default)
-#     swap         : swap partition
-#     dosfat16     : DOS 16bit FAT file system
-#     winfat32     : Win95 FAT32 file system
-#     writable     : mounts a preserved partition writable
-#     reiser       : reiserfs
-#       -h <hash>  : set reiserfs hash
-#       -v <ver>   : set reiserfs version
+#     -c             : check for bad blocks
+#     format         : Always format this partition even if preserve
+#     lazyformat     : Do not format if partition has not moved
+#                      (useful for testing the installation)
+#     boot           : make this partition the boot-partition (the
+#                      linux root filesystem is the default)
+#     ext2           : Extended 2 filesystem (this is the default)
+#       -i <bytes>   : Bytes per inodes
+#       -m <blocks>% : reserved blocks percentage for superuser
+#       -j          : format in ext3
+#       -L <label>   : use a disk label
+#     swap           : swap partition
+#     dosfat16       : DOS 16bit FAT file system
+#     winfat32       : Win95 FAT32 file system
+#     writable       : mounts a preserved partition writable
+#     reiser         : reiserfs
+#       -h <hash>    : set reiserfs hash
+#       -v <ver>     : set reiserfs version
  use strict;
  # getopts variables:
@@ -310,6 +310,17 @@

+# check for an option
+sub CheckOption{
+    # a list of all options that take string parameters
+    my $stringopts = "L";
+    if ( $_[1] == "" ) { return 1==0; }
+    return $_[0] =~ /\b(?<!-[$stringopts] )(?i:$_[1])\b/;
  # parse config-file
  sub ParseConfigFile{
@@ -325,6 +336,7 @@
      my $a = 1, my $paras ="", my $number=0;
      while (my $line = <FILE>){
+       $line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
         next if( $line =~ /^#|^\s*$/ );

@@ -383,7 +395,7 @@
                 if($mountpoint eq "swap"){
                     $mountpoint = "swap$NofSwapPart";
-                   ($options !~ /\bswap\b/i) && ($options .= " swap");
+                   !CheckOption($options, "swap") && ($options .= " 
                     ($fstaboptions) || ($fstaboptions = "sw");
                 if($mountpoint =~ m#^/#){
@@ -397,7 +409,7 @@
                      ($PrimPartNo >4 ) && die "ERROR: Too much primary 
partitions (max 4).".
                                  " All logicals together need one 
primary too.\n";
                     $MountpointPart{$mountpoint} = 
-                   if($options =~ /\bboot\b/i){
+                   if(CheckOption($options, "boot")){
                         ($BootPartition) && die "ERROR: only one 
partition can be bootable at a time.";
                         $BootPartition = $MountpointPart{$mountpoint};
                         $BOOT_DEVICE = $disk;
@@ -421,7 +433,7 @@
                         $MountpointPart{$extmp} = 
                         $DiskMountpoints{$disk} .= " $extmp";
-                   ($options =~ /\bboot\b/i) && die "ERROR: line $a, 
only primary partitions can be bootable.\n";
+                   CheckOption($options, "boot") && die "ERROR: line 
$a, only primary partitions can be bootable.\n";
                 ($DiskMountpoints{$disk} =~ /\b$mountpoint\b/)
                     && die "ERROR in config file line $a, Mountpoint 
redefined: $mountpoint\n$line\n";
@@ -461,7 +473,7 @@
                       && die "ERROR: unable to preserve partitions of 
size 0.\n$line\n ";
                   } else {
                     # If not preserve we must know the filesystemtype
-                   ($options !~ 
/\b(ext2|ext3|auto|swap|dosfat16|winfat32|reiser)\b/i ) && 
($options .= " auto");
+                   CheckOption($options, 
"(ext2|ext3|auto|swap|dosfat16|winfat32|reiser)" ) && ($options .= " 
                 if($size =~ /^(\d*)(\-?)(\d*)$/){
                     $Min = $1;
@@ -488,10 +500,10 @@
                 # fstaboptions
                 $MPfstaboptions{$mountpoint} = $fstaboptions;
                 # extra options
-               ($options =~ /\b(ext[23]|auto)\b/i) && 
($MPID{$mountpoint} = 83); # Linux native
-               ($options =~ /\bswap\b/i) && ($MPID{$mountpoint} = 
82); # Linux swap
-               ($options =~ /\bdosfat16\b/i) && ($MPID{$mountpoint} = 
6); # DOS FAT 16bit (>=32MB, will be changed later)
-               ($options =~ /\bwinfat32\b/i) && ($MPID{$mountpoint} = 
"b"); # Win 95 FAT 32
+               CheckOption($options, "(ext[23]|auto)") && 
($MPID{$mountpoint} = 83); # Linux native
+               CheckOption($options, "swap") && ($MPID{$mountpoint} = 
82); # Linux swap
+               CheckOption($options, "dosfat16") && 
($MPID{$mountpoint} = 6); # DOS FAT 16bit (>=32MB, will be changed later)
+               CheckOption($options, "winfat32") && 
($MPID{$mountpoint} = "b"); # Win 95 FAT 32
                 $MPOptions{$mountpoint} = $options;
                 if($test == 1){
@@ -801,6 +813,7 @@
                 ($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-i\s*\d+)\b/) && 
($command .= " $1");
                 ($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-m\s*\d+)\b/) && 
($command .= " $1");
                 ($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-j)\b/) && ($command .= " 
+               ($MPOptions{$mountpoint} =~ /(\-L\s*\S+)\b/) && 
($command .= " $1");
                 $command .= " /dev/$device";
                 print "  $command\n";
                 if ($test != 1){

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