[PATCH] more that one scripts for the same class

Jens Ruehmkorf ruehmkorf at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Tue Jan 22 15:28:56 CET 2002

Hi Phil,

> I wanted to use a shell script and a cfengine script for the same
> class. Moreover I needed to control the execution order of them.
> This patch will do the following, when it's time to execute scripts in
> /fai/script : for each class, if there is a script with the same name,
> it is executed, as usual. But now, if there is a directory with this
> name, fai will execute each S??* script inside this directory,
> following the order of ??.

that's the way we do it for nais since two years. Have a look at
to see how we did that (because the aim is the same).

Best regards,

ruehmkorf at informatik dot uni hyphen koeln dot de

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