support for RAID controllers in setup_harddisks

Blake Barnett blake.barnett at
Mon Jan 14 23:13:35 CET 2002

On Mon, 2002-01-14 at 09:05, Chad C. Walstrom wrote:

> Oh, small note of interest.  I only compile one kernel for all of my machines.
> This creates a lot of modules, but makes it very nice in that I don't need an
> extra fai-boot partition to reinstall.  I also changed the grub routine to use
> the update-grub command to generate the new grub /boot/grub/menu.lst file.

We also have decided to compile 1 kernel for each type of machine.  We
have decided (for security reasons) not to use modules AT ALL.  There
are quite a few modules in use in various rootkits that hide the rootkit
and do other nasty things, loadable modules are a luxury that we are
only going to allow on Desktops or in special cases.

Blake Barnett (bdb)  <blake.barnett at>
Sr. Unix Administrator                 office: 480-377-6816

Learning is a skill, you get better at it with practice.

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