Create a Local Mirror

Martin Man Martin.Man at
Wed Dec 4 08:05:04 CET 2002

On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 10:12:36AM -0500, Bob Parnes wrote:
> Hello,


> My problem is creating a local mirror. If I understand the fai guide,
> I should use mkedebmirror to download 4.2 GB of files. I began to do
> so through my dialup connection to the internet but soon realized that
> I had my numbers mixed up and that it would take too long. I could find 
> nothing in the mailing list archive that suggested an alternative, so
> I hope someone can help.

I'd suggest apt-proxy, it downloads packages on demand so you don't waste
bandwith unnecessarilly..

> 2. A short time ago, I used jigdo-lite to generate a set of woody CDs. 
> It took several weeks of running the program overnight. Is there a way 
> to use these CDs to produce a local mirror for fai? Each CD has a Release
> file, and presumably I could concatenate them. However, the .deb files 
> are in a pool subdirectory with a structure that differs from that 
> produced by debmirror.

if you copy whole contents of the cds to some directories on your webserver,
say directories like woody1, woody2, woody3, and so on, you can easily modify
apt/sources.list at the client to include

deb http://your_local_mirror/woody1/debian stable main contrib
deb http://your_local_mirror/woody1/debian stable/non-US main contrib
deb http://your_local_mirror/woody2/debian stable main contrib
deb http://your_local_mirror/woody2/debian stable/non-US main contrib
deb http://your_local_mirror/woody3/debian stable main contrib
deb http://your_local_mirror/woody3/debian stable/non-US main contrib

and here you go...

> Thanks for any help.
> bp

Brian: You are all individuals!
The Crowd: We are all individuals!
					-- Life of Brian, Monty Python
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