FAI_ACTION not assigned?

Michael Renner michael.renner at gmx.de
Mon Aug 5 15:03:27 CEST 2002

On Friday 02 August 2002 15:24, Michael Renner wrote:
> Moin,


> The bootp server is running, the nfsroot is mounted, but no further actions
> take place due the variable T171 from the /etc/bootptab (server) seems not
> to be assigned correct.


> Warnung /etc/init.d.rcS: Neiher $FAI_LOCATION nor $FAI_CVSROOT are defined
> Calling test_setup
> Calling task_defclass
> Defining calsses
> gzip: /var/log/messages*.gz: No such file or directory
> Calling task_defvar
> Calling task_action
> ERROR: User defind action /fai/hooks/ not found.

Only for the mail archive: The solution was easy: As mentioned in the manual: 
running a dhcp and a bootp server in the same net segment may cause problems! 
After shuting down the bootp server and providing all the client information 
by our dhcp the flags where recognised  by the client.


|Michael Renner      E-mail: michael.renner at gmx.de  |
|D-72072 Tuebingen   Germany                        |
|Germany             Don't drink as root!      ESC:wq

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