Other things. Hooks

Chad Walstrom chad at ima.umn.edu
Tue Nov 27 18:07:25 CET 2001

On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 05:26:24PM +0100, Antonio Beamud Montero wrote:
> Well, the hostname problem is less important than this. Why if I
> declare the class COPY inside, and create an script
> (install.COPY), i.e. fai will exec this script before install
> nothing...

Most likely, the name you're trying to give the host is not resolving to
the ip address.  Make sure you're providing a fixed address to your DHCP
client and that address is either resolved in the server /etc/hosts (and
thusly, /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/etc/hosts file), or in the local DNS.

> #!/bin/bash
> /sbin/faireboot
> This doesn't work...!!, it continue installing the Base system of
> Debian..  Anybody can explain me this?

A couple of suggestions:

  * Verify your DHCP/BOOTP server has the correct parameters.
  * Remember to include verbose, debug, and createvt in the FAI options.
  * Log files are your friends!  Look in /tmp for all of the appropriate
    log files.
    -- Use your logfiles liberally, browsing them via virtual terminal
    -- ssh the files to the server manually if the auto-scp isn't
  * Verify that your local network has valid DNS or /etc/files records.

Chad C. Walstrom <chad at ima.umn.edu>             http://www.ima.umn.edu
Assistant Systems Manager, IMA                  Phone: 612-624-4353
                                                Fax: 612-626-7370

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