hostname resolving Re: FAI and partitions

Geert Stappers Geert.Stappers at
Tue Nov 27 12:50:25 CET 2001

At 11:56 +0100 11/27/01, Antonio Beamud Montero wrote:
>El vie, 23-11-2001 a las 16:45, Geert Stappers escribió:
>> >
>> >I have put fai in verbose mode, but the error is the same. This hardisk
>> >log doesn't exist.
>> >
>> >What can I do?
>> >
>Well, now it works because I have define in the HOSTNAME like
>not felino.
>Why it can't know my hostname?

If that is the only change you made,
there is something strange happing with name resolving.

The easiest and best test is to run the installation again,
now with using a hostname instead of a IP-adres.

Over here I have proper configured Domain Name System (DNS)

BTW: Thomas Lange is on the road, but Open Source projects
don't depend on a single person.


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