FAI and partitions

Antonio Beamud Montero antonio.beamud at agoratechnologies.com
Tue Nov 27 10:36:05 CET 2001

El vie, 23-11-2001 a las 16:45, Geert Stappers escribió:
> >
> >I have put fai in verbose mode, but the error is the same. This hardisk
> >log doesn't exist.
> >
> >What can I do?
> >
> I checked my class/systemname
> It has only one entry on a line, yours has two entries.
Nop, I have in my class/systemname:


I can't get more logs...
I'm trying to debug with some configurations that works... I'll send a
report with my discoveries


> Please report the results to the list
> Geert

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