strengths of C++, (off-topic) WAS Re: apt-class

Diane Trout diane at
Thu Nov 15 05:10:39 CET 2001

Jens Ruehmkorf <ruehmkorf at> writes:

> Hm. I don't get what you mean. Which problems do you see in using C?

Pesonal preference, since the problem is more of a string processing
problem, I prefer C++'s string class to strncpy. Also the standard C++
library has useful data structures like lists (if only maps had made
it in). There's some evidence that the some of the extra productivity
of the scripting languages is due to the ease of use they expose to a
richer set of data structures.

Of course C++ exposes these more useful data structures in a baroque and
hard to understand way, but that's a different issue.


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