jballes at molina.subs.map.es
Thu Nov 8 13:55:50 CET 2001
Hi all!
We are planing to port a lof NT' PC's to Debian/Woody, so
we are playing around with FAI. We have a problem, it seems
that fai-setup it's not working because the nfsroot is nor
created, we changed the configuration to fit Woody but
doesn't work. Here I put my fai.conf and the output of
fai-setup, thanks ins advance!!
# $Id: fai.conf,v 1.34 2001/09/13 13:48:02 lange Exp $
# /etc/fai.conf -- configuration for FAI (Fully Automatic
# do not change next line
FAI_ARCH=`dpkg --print-installation-architecture`
debdist=testing # distribution: stable, testing, unstable
# if FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP is defined, use debootstrap, not
FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="woody ftp://$ftpserver/debian"
FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="woody file:/files/scratch/debian"
# fai-setup will use the file /tmp/base2_2.tgz (for potato),
if one
# exists. If not, specify an URL to this file. It will
# be downloaded to /tmp or a symlink is made.
# Location of the Debian mirror
# - FAI_SOURCES_LIST can contain more than one line
# there you can use nfs, ftp or http access. If undefined,
FAI will
# use /etc/apt/sources.list instead
# - if FAI_DEBMIRROR is defined, install clients mount it to
# Access to Debian mirror via FTP or HTTP
FAI_SOURCES_LIST="deb ftp://$ftpserver/debian $debdist main
contrib non-free
deb ftp://$ftpserver/debian dists/proposed-updates/
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US $debdist/non-US
main contrib non-free
deb http://$ftpserver/debian dists/proposed-updates/
deb http://security.debian.org/ $debdist/updates main
contrib non-free"
# Access to Debian mirror via NFS mounted directory
# NFS remote location of mirror
# mount point where the mirror will be mounted;
# must not be used by other filesystems
#FAI_SOURCES_LIST="deb file:$MNTPOINT/debian $debdist main
contrib non-free
#deb file:$MNTPOINT/debian/ dists/proposed-updates/
#deb file:$MNTPOINT/debian-non-US $debdist/non-US main
contrib non-free"
# additional packages, that will be installed into nfsroot
# add lvm, raidtools2 only if needed
#NFSROOT_PACKAGES="ssh expect5.31" # potato
NFSROOT_PACKAGES="ssh expect portmap" # woody
# the root password on all install clients during
installation process
# pw is: fai
# location of a .ssh/.identity.pub file; this user can log
in as root
# without password ; only usefull with FAI_FLAGS="sshd"
# Set UTC=yes if your system clock is set to UTC (GMT), and
UTC=no if not.
# Can be overridden in class/*.var files
# this kernel package will be installed to nfsroot, default
kernel for
# booting install clients
# version of the kernel, that will be installed onto the
# clients, can be overwritten by variable kernelimage
# Beowulf nodes can only connect to their master server -
# atom00 for the clients - so they must know it during
# installation. This line will be added to
# LOGUSER: an account on the install server, which saves all
# and which can change the kernel that is booted via
# network. Configure .rhosts for this account and PAM , so
root can
# log in from all install clients without password. This
# should have write permissions for /boot/fai. For eg. you
can use
# write permissions for the group linuxadm. chgrp linuxadm
# /boot/fai;chmod g+w /boot/fai. If the variable is
undefined, this
# feature is disabled
# use ssh or rsh
# use scp or rcp
# following variables are read only for most users
# directory, where the nfsroot for FAI is created, approx
size: 140MB
# it's a good idea to put it on a separate disk partition
# change also in bootptab or dhcp.conf
# the configuration space
and the output of fai-setup:
Script started on Thu Nov 8 13:45:04 2001
mitnick:~# fai-setup
Account $LOGUSER=fai already exists.
Make sure, that all install clients can
log into this account without a password.
/home/fai/.rhosts created.
User account fai set up.
Creating FAI nfsroot can take a long time and will
need more than 130MB disk space in /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot.
/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot already exists. Removing
Creating nfsroot for woody using debootstrap
Script done on Thu Nov 8 13:46:18 2001
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