FAI update scripts?

Ronan KERYELL Ronan.Keryell at enst-bretagne.fr
Wed Jul 25 15:42:59 CEST 2001

>>>>> On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 12:04:39 +0200 (MET DST), Thomas Lange <lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE> said:

    Thomas> FAI in mainly for system installation, not for daily system
    Thomas> administration or configuration. But I think FAI can aid this
    Thomas> task. For eg. by using classes. Look at cfengine and read some
    Thomas> papers about cfegine.

I'm just working on that for FAI.

I have a multi-site common /usr/local/share/cfengine and
/usr/local/share/conf and once the machines are up with JumpStart
(Solaris) or FAI (Debian), cfengine goes on to finish things up and to do
the daily administration. Even the JumpStart servers are automatically
installed for fault-tolerance and to be able to automatically install the
reference server itself.

Right now, only JumpStart part is OK but the FAI part should work at the
end of August...
    Ronan KERYELL              |\/
    Labo Informatique Télécom  |/)  Tel:    (+33|0)
    ENST Bretagne, BP832       K    Fax:    (+33|0)
    29285 BREST CEDEX          |\   E-mail: Ronan.Keryell at enst-bretagne.fr
    FRANCE                     | \  http://www-info.enst-bretagne.fr/~keryell

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