cpio and tar conflict (woody)

Chad Walstrom chad at ima.umn.edu
Sat Dec 1 00:25:41 CET 2001

The new tar is conflicting with cpio?!  That doesn't sound right.
Perhaps you can try to ask the maintainer of tar what his/her motivation
for making that change was.  If there is no real good reason.  BUT
FIRST, let's go to the Debian Bugtracking website to see what's up:


Ah, yep.  There it is.  Bug #120884.  Looks like this has been resolved.
You should do an "apt-get update" to get the latest list of packages, or
update your mirror.  To see the full text of the bug report, go to:


Now, if this happens to you again, check for reported bugs first.  If
you don't see one reported, and you feel that this is a legitimate bug,
submit a bug report to Debian.  Instructions can be found at:


If you feel like fixing the bug and sending in a patch (always helpful).
Do the following:

	bash$ apt-get update
	bash$ apt-get source tar
	bash$ su			# Or use sudo as an alternative
	bash# apt-get build-dep tar;exit
	bash$ cd tar-1.13.25
	# Find the bug, fix it.  Create a diff of the change.
	# Create your own package, but increment the Debian release
	# version in debian/changelog to something like -1.0.1
	bash$ dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -sd -b -rfakeroot
	bash$ dpkg --install ../tar_1.13.25-1.0.1_i386.deb

Happy hacking!

Chad C. Walstrom <chad at ima.umn.edu>             http://www.ima.umn.edu
Assistant Systems Manager, IMA                  Phone: 612-624-4353
                                                Fax: 612-626-7370

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