checking hardware type automatically

Jens Ruehmkorf ruehmkorf at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Wed Aug 8 05:15:24 CEST 2001

Hi Matthew!

> > else, but the database linux/drivers/pci/pci.ids might be too old when
> > using 2.2-kernels for the installation.
> That's why you don't use 2.2 kernels.  2.4 is much nicer.

And buggier. So far 2.4 is not going to be the default kernel for debian

> Another idea, which I just thought of, is using 'lspci -n' and hoping
> that the different vendors (which use the same brand of PCI component)
> are using different revisions of the same component.

Do revisions always have to be mentioned?

But you are right. Using the company id's from the MAC and a more detailed
lspci -n probably gives Roland more possibilities to distinguish his
hardware "out-of-the-box".


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