A few teething troubles

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Wed Jun 28 11:19:58 CEST 2000

> --------- Problem 0 ----------
> FAI's rcS script muttered about a missing T171 variable.
Try increasing option ms in bootptab.

> --------- Problem 1 ----------
> Error: /tmp/disk_var.sh not found.
The tool for partitioning the harddisk does not return error
codes. Your error occurs if no disk configuration is found for one of
your defined classes.

> --------- Problem 3 ----------
> Doing the installation, apt-get waited for user input when told to upgrade.
If -f -y doesn't work, it's the problem of a certain package. I will
look for it. Maybe "apt-get .... </dev/null" will do.

> impressed by the potential of this package, and would love to help
> in any way I can.
Please try this tool and report bugs or any other comment to me or
this list. This will help me to improve fai.

            Thomas Lange
Institut fuer Informatik        mailto:lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
   Universitaet zu Koeln
            Pohligstr. 1        Telefon: +49 221 470 5303
             50969 Koeln        Fax    : +49 221 470 5317

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