Fixing setup-storage_no-cylinder-boundaries

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Thu Mar 10 00:54:04 CET 2011

Hi Julien,

Sorry for the massively delayed reply. Thank you very much for looking into this
and patching it without much discussion - it would have taken ages given my
current response delays...

Still, I'd like to better understand the second issue:

>  - aligning the start position of partitions 1 and 5

What is/was wrong with that?

> This leads to the new setup-storage creating partitions that are up to
> several megabytes larger than they were with the old setup-storage.

Yes, this has come up a number of times indeed. You're right, we should better
not mess with this.

> I've fixed both issues by:
>  - reverting to cylinder boundary for msdos partitions by default, but
>    align-at can override that

Ok, sounds good.

>  - ignoring alignment constraints for the start of partitions 1 and 5 on
>    msdos disk labels

Why is that necessary or why would you want to do that?

Thanks a lot,

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