(Bug?): nummeration for preserved partions

Manuel Hachtkemper hacman at math.uni-bonn.de
Thu Dec 2 14:57:08 CET 2010


our disk_config looks like

disk_config disk1 preserve_reinstall:X bootable:1

primary    /boot     150   ext3    rw,noatime
logical    swap      2000  swap    rw
logical    /         400   ext3    rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro
logical    /usr      15000 ext3    rw,noatime
logical    /var      5000  ext3    rw,noatime
logical    /var/tmp  4000  ext3    rw,noatime
primary    /local    0-    ext3    rw

and we want to preserve /local. So I would assume replacing X with 7, but this is mistake, because /local becomes /dev/sda3 in the installation (and sda7 is preserved).

It would be nice, if this issue could be documented in the man-page of setup-storage, or better: Preserve the 7th entry in the list, instead of the 7th partition.

Best regards,
Manuel Hachtkemper
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