FAI Stable release 3.4.0

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Sun Aug 8 02:39:31 CEST 2010


DebConf10 in New York just finished and as a result we are proud to
be able to announce a new FAI release, version 3.4.0.

Out of more than 130 svn commits since the last stable release
(3.3.5) Thomas and me chose ~75 commits that should make it into a
new stable release. This new stable release (3.4.0) is targeted
toward Debian squeeze but is also meant to provide continuous
support for lenny and etch as well.

This release has been tested with squeeze and is known to work.
Please notice that mdadm in squeeze currently has a RC bug,
known as "#589836 - mdadm: breaks initramfs on fresh (chroot)
installation". I've prepared a fix and an upload should happen
soon, in the meanwhile you can grab the patch as well as packages
at http://people.debian.org/~mika/mdadm/

Upgrading from previous versions of FAI to the 3.4.0 release is
supposed to be easy and should not break anything (we tried to take
special care and be as backwards compatible as possible). If you
notice ANY problems (upgrading, building,....) please report them to
the Debian bug tracking system (BTS) against the according packages
(fai-client, fai-server,...) so we can resolve them until squeeze
gets released.

FAI 3.4.0 was just uploaded to Debian/unstable and is available also
through http://people.debian.org/~mika/fai/ (we plan to provide it
via testing/upcoming stable soon as well), if you want to integrate
it in your sources.list just use:

  deb http://people.debian.org/~mika/fai/release/ ./

As Thomas won't be available until 5th of September I'll take over
maintenance in the meanwhile, so if I you have any questions,
wishes,.. with regards to FAI 3.4.x please let me know.

Note: If you are interested in the very latest features and want to
test current development versions please be aware that Thomas just
released 4.0~beta (see his mail on fai mailinglists, message id
<19549.52594.907727.829121 at kueppers.informatik.uni-koeln.de>), if
you want a stable version you should consider using the 3.4.x

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