FAI roadmap

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Fri Jul 23 11:51:51 CEST 2010

> >>>>> On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 11:20:16 +0200, Michael Tautschnig <mt at debian.org> said:
>     > Sure - but the DHCP issue wasn't/isn't on your roadmap. But if you accept the
>     > proposed patch it needn't go there, it's done already :-)
> Not really. If the patch is in trunk, there's still a package upload
> missing to unstable. That's the problem for the release people. They
> don't care about fixes in upstream or trunk, but they only look at
> packages in unstable/testing.
> Since FAI 4.0 still needs some time for its release and uploading to
> unstable, someone may have to create a 3.3.6 package including the fix
> to make the release team happy.
> This must be coordinated with Mika, who will care about the FAI
> releases in Debian.

@Thomas: If I get your ACK I will, after coordinating with Mika, push it into
trunk.  Maybe you could also voice your opinion about the desired strategy for
the simple examples, as I proposed two in my previous mail.

Thanks a lot,

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