A Name for The FAI Manager
Stephan Hermann
sh at sourcecode.de
Tue Jul 6 13:40:49 CEST 2010
Good Afternoon Colleagues,
first of all, thx a lot to Thomas and all the other participants of the FAI
Developer Workshop last weekend at the LinuxHotel in Essen.
It was a great honour to see some of you in person.
Thanks also for the opportunity to present my "FAI Manager" project and as
discussed during the workshop, I'm looking for a good name for this project.
You can have a quick look (early version) of the project here:
http://blip.tv/file/3587429?filename=Shermann-FAIManagerQooxdooHere569.flv <-
flash format
http://blip.tv/file/3587429?filename=Shermann-FAIManagerQooxdooHere888.ogv <-
ogg/theora format
Please send in your name name proposals to this list...and we decide
together which name is appropriate
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